5 Day Workshop – 8 Steps to Employment

“Empowering You Back Into Work”.

The aim of the workshop is to provide the learner with 8 bite size steps to employment:

  1. Time Keeping
  2. Benefits of Volunteering
  3. Writing a Covering Letter and CV
  4. Interview and Communication Skills
  5. How to Keep a Job
  6. Effective Teamwork
  7. Customer Service Skills
  8. Business Start-Up Advice

Please note: participants should be committed to attending all 5 days & priority will be given to residents from North Southwark and Bermondsey areas.

Award winning company MPLOYME is a social enterprise that works with the unemployed to help them up skill and prepare for entering the workforce or start up their own business. Our professional workshop facilitator’s will be providing an eight step strategy to positively infuse participants mind-set and improve their opportunities of securing a job. 8 Steps To Employment is supported by United Saint Saviours.

Book your place today: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/8-steps-to-employment-career-transformation-tickets-19026554938

Address: Canada Water Library, 21 Surrey Quays Rd, London SE16 7AR.

Time: 10am – 4pm

Week one:  Wednesday 4th   November & Thursday 5th November

Week two: Thursday 12th  November & Friday 13th November

Graduation: Friday 27th November

**Lunch will be provided DELISH Catering & each participant will receive a FREE employability workbook**