BBC Lifeline Appeal

Radio 2 DJ Johnnie Walker makes an appeal on behalf of Carers UK, a national charity which champions and supports unpaid carers. Johnnie has direct experience of this – his wife Tiggy cared for him after he was diagnosed with a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and he cared for Tiggy when she had breast cancer. Both admit that caring put a tremendous stress on their relationship.

The film features Norman, who struggled under the physical and financial strain of caring for his wife. He was at breaking point when he found the expert information and advice he needed through Carers UK’s Adviceline.

We also meet Anne, who was caring for her mother with Alzheimer’s while doing a full-time job in the City. It became increasingly difficult for her to manage everything, and she felt very isolated. Relief finally came when she discovered Carers UK’s online forum, where she drew great strength from sharing experiences with another woman who was caring for her mother with the same disease.

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