Free Workshops for Southwark Residents

Have fun, meet new people, gain new skills!

CoolTan Arts will run free arts and multimedia workshops open to all Southwark residents over 19.

Places are allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Workshops start from March and run until July 2010, and Southwark residents can attend one course of 10 hours.

To make a booking, please return the enrolment form to CoolTan Arts, along with a deposit of £10 (unemployed) or £20 (employed). Cheques need to be made payable to CoolTan Arts and will be returned upon completion of the course. Tuition is free but materials re not included.

Workshops include:

Desktop Publishing
Podcasting /
Radio Production and Broadcasting
Photoshop for beginners
Basic IT
Local history
Creative writing
Portrait drawing
Batik (small charge for materials)
Machine sewing intermediate (small charge for materials)
Screen printing (small charge for materials)

For more information please contact Clara or Kathrin at CoolTan Arts.

[email protected]

[email protected]

020 7701 2696