Giving Us A Voice events for BME family carers of people with learning disabilities

The Giving Us A Voice project, aims to bring together Black, Asian and ethnic minority family carers and people who have learning disabilities and those who provide and commission services.

This will enable a full discussion on good social care services in times of change to take place. The project is being run jointly by ARC, Mencap and BILD. There will be 9 regional meetings which will lead to the production of a national charter for inclusion. In order to truly represent the voice of BME family carers it’s hoped that many will attend these meetings.

Places are being filled but we are keen to get more family carers to attend and give their views. Please, please could you encourage any family carers of people with learning disabilities who are from a BME community to attend the events.

Please see the attached flyer for more information or contact [email protected]

Giving Us A Voice Flyer