Southwark Carers AGM 2013

The membership also had a vote to make alterations to the charity’s constitution to bring it in line with current legislation and best practice. At the AGM a show of hands was taken and counted along with postal and electronic votes which had been received. The decision to adopt the new constitution was passed and a copy of the articles can be found here.

At the AGM long standing board member Carol Vincent stepped down, before leaving she gave a very moving speech which we have included below with her permission.

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the recognition shown to me by you. I thank you for two principal reasons.

One, allowing me to be an ambassador on your behalf. This has given me the opportunity to raise the issues and concerns affecting carers in Southwark at many different events and with many varied organisations.

It has also informed me of how well respected Southwark Carers is as an organisation both within Southwark and beyond.

Many people have commented to me about the positive contribution Southwark Carers makes to the local community and how well it works in partnership with the Council.

There is no better testament than to be praised by your peers and I am so delighted to have had the opportunity over the years to make my own contribution to this cause.

As you know I feel very passionately about the role of carers and how hidden their role is in the wider society. Often many carers suffer in silence and the circumstances surrounding their financial needs in particular has grown worse with Government cutbacks.

I’m pleased Southwark Council recognises the role that carers play in helping them with their service provisions and would encourage it to further enhance the recognition of the role that carers play.

Thank you once again. I know looking around today that Southwark Carers has a glowing future because of the commitment and dedication of everyone here.

I wish you all well. My love to you all.