Struggling with the ‘bedroom tax’?

At Southwark Carers, we know from the volume of calls and enquiries we are receiving that the ‘bedroom tax’ – a decrease in housing benefit for those living with one or more spare bedroom – is the cause of a lot of concern for carers in the area.

We know from our own experience that in many cases these ‘spare rooms’ are essential to carers. This could be because it is there to store vital equipment related to disability, or it could mean that a loved one with a disability, and their carer, can have a space of their own if and when their condition requires it.

Currently there are very few exceptions to this, so the majority of people who do care for someone with a disability will be affected.

We will do what we can to share this information with others so the impact of the tax on carers is known. But carers can make a difference too by telling the government in their own words how it is making the lives of themselves and the person they care for more difficult.

Carers UK have an excellent template for doing this on their website:

Please share your experiences if you have the time as it has the chance of making a huge difference to the lives of all carers in Southwark. Equally, if you are struggling financially with the effects of this tax, do not hesitate to contact us on 02077084497 and one of our Information and Support team will be able to offer advice and support relating to the changes introduced this month.