
The Board of Trustees of Southwark Carers would like to send their heartfelt wishes and thanks to all carers in Southwark and beyond, as we celebrate this Carers’ week.
Once seen as a personal and private matter in family/community life, unpaid caring has become one of the most important social and economic policy issues in this country, and indeed globally.  Without unpaid carers health and social care systems, around the world, would collapse.  Three out of five people in the UK will become carers at some point in their lives and may not even be recognised as such.  
Although caring can be rewarding, it can, as we all know, impact on many areas of our lives – physical, social, emotional, economic, and so, it is vital that carers receive external support.
So this week, let us take this opportunity to highlight what we, as carers, do daily, and make “visible” our value and the contribution we make not only to our cared for person/s but to the NHS, social care and to the whole country.  
Carers save the economy £132 billion every year. This equates to a saving to the national economy of £19,336 per carer. There are an estimated 26,000 carers in Southwark, carers save the local economy £502,736,000 per annum.
Please know that the staff team and the Board at Southwark Carers invite and welcome any new carers, particularly those who may be struggling on their own, to get in touch and register with us.  So those of you reading this message who might know of any “hidden” or “invisible” carers, please encourage them to make contact.
We trust you will take part in and enjoy the activities offered this week online.
With all good wishes,

Mary Jacob                                                                                                                      Chair                                                                                                                                  Board of Trustees, Southwark Carers                                                                        June 2024