PM announces reform of social care

The Prime Minister has announced plans to reform Britain’s social care in a three-stage plan for a national care service.

In a podcast, Gordon Brown said the Government will be setting out the route to a national care service that will benefit every family in the country meaning a much better deal for our older people.

The reforms will be introduced on three stages starting with a “radical overhaul” of care in the home which will help more of our old people cope longer at home.

Secondly, building up the care service, so that people who have been in care homes for more than two years will get their care for free.

And thirdly, paving the way towards the introduction of a comprehensive national care service available to all.

The PM said:

“Our current care and support system is no longer adequate for these challenges we see ahead. It cannot meet all our needs, nor match our aspirations. And if left unchanged, it would not cope with the extra demand in years to come.

Our answer is bold, ambitious reform to create a system firmly rooted in the proudest traditions of our national health service: personal care, there for you when you need it.”