Adult Learners Week – Learning through the web

The internet offers a large learning resource and helps us to stay competitive as an organisation, allowing us to stay in-tune with new ways of thinking and working. Often used for a multitude to tasks, the internet supports our personal interests, helps us to get a job done at work or keep in touch with the world.

Getting familiar with the basics and how we use the internet seems daunting for some, but once you get to grips with the web you will find that it offers the above and so much more.

With the advent of smart phones and tablets the internet is at the tip of our fingers for a large part of our day, making it increasingly accessible wherever you are. However, it is important to consider what information you are sharing and who the potential audiences could be.

Open University Offers free foundation and introduction courses on a variety of subjects

Research in Practice provides supporting evidence informed practice with children’s and families

Over 500 free courses and programmes available on on a range of topics

Freedom of Information, Data Protection Act and Disability Awareness e-learning programmes