Changes to Taxicard scheme in Southwark

On 27th October we received details of the intended changes to the Taxicard scheme in Southwark from Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care.

Taxicard provides providing subsidised door-to-door transport in licensed black cabs for people who have mobility impairment. Eligibility for the scheme is linked to being in receipt of the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

Please find attached a link to the report containing the detail on the decision on changes to the scheme.

The recommendations which have been agreed are:

  1. That the number of trips available to each scheme user per year be reduced to 108 from 144 with immediate effect.
  2. That the annual allocation of trips be apportioned on a monthly basis (9 per month) with no carry over of unused trips, with immediate effect.
  3. That a mobility questionnaire be required to be completed by a GP for all new members who do not qualify automatically for the scheme, with immediate effect.

Double swiping continues with no change.

Further to the public meeting in July, Southwark council will arrange another public meeting to address issues of concern with the actual operation of the Taxicard scheme, we will keep you informed of the date.