Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new charge which allows us to raise funds from new developments in our area. The money can be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhoods want. To adopt CIL we have to first consult on, and then submit for an independent examination, a Draft CIL Charging Schedule which sets out the charging rates to be applied to new development. These rates need to be supported by:

CIL Examination in Public Update

The Revised Draft CIL Charging Schedule was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 22 April 2014 for examination. Mr Brian Sims BSc CEng MICE MRTPI from the Planning Inspectorate has been appointed as the Independent Examiner.  The Examination in Public hearing took place between Tuesday 29 July and Wednesday 30 July in the Southwark Council offices at Tooley Street.

Following the Examination Hearing that took place on 29-30 July 2014, the Examiner forwarded Interim Findings to the Council. These are documented in the Core Document List as CDEIP13 Interim Findings by the Examiner and can be found listed as a download in the Further documents for the CIL Examination in public link. The Council’s response to the Examiner’s interim findings (CDEIP14) can also be found at the same link. 

Further documents have been issued following the publication of the above documents and can all be found listed as downloads in the link Local - Documents submitted at and post the EiP and in the Core Document List .

Consultation on the Statement of Modifications (December 2014)

The Council is proposing to amend some of the rates set out in the Revised Draft CIL Charging Schedule and has prepared a Statement of Modifications for consultation, alongside additional evidence (see link below). The modifications relate to:

These modifications have been proposed to reflect the examiner’s interim findings letter dated 26 August 2014 and updated evidence. This evidence comprises:

Any representations on the further evidence or the Statement of Modifications must be submitted in writing between 11 December 2014 and 13 January 2015.

In accordance with the CIL Regulations, all representations will be forwarded to the Examiner. Representations on the modifications must be made in writing by post or email to:

Email: [email protected]
Address: Planning policy, Chief Executive’s Department, FREEPOST SE1919/14, London SE17 2ES
Tel: 020 7525 547

Core Documents

The links below contain the CIL Examination Core Documents. These will form part of the Examination library which will be updated as further information regarding the Examination becomes available.

Programme Officer

The Examination process is administered by the Programme Officer, Miss Yvonne Sampoh. Miss Sampoh is independent from the council’s preparation of its draft CIL and reports directly to the Examiner. Any correspondence or queries relating to the Examination will need to be directed to the CIL Programme Officer:

Address: Planning & Transport, Chief Executive’s Department, 5th Floor, Hub 4, Southwark Council, PO Box 64529 London SE1P 5LX

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0207 525 4929

For more details visit