CoolTan’s first LGBT group seeks participants!

As part of CoolTan Arts’ Personalisation project, we have just begun to work on a short documentary on Personalisation and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and the Trans community. The aim of the film is to illustrate specific needs of LGBT and how Personal Budgets could support them, the LGBT community’s hopes and needs of Personal Budgets. The film may also show the difficulties people have in applying and receiving Personal Budgets and the reasons why.

We would like to interview anyone from the LGBT community who is in receipt of a Personal Budget, who has applied, or who is eligible for one. We would not need to film or identify anyone if they do not so wish. We are also looking for people to work with us on ideas for the film, outreach, art work for animation, helping with interviews for the film, producing the film, editing and more!

The film will be shown next year at The Tate Modern, and we plan for it to be show cased at Southwark LGBT History Month 2012.

If you wish to find out more call CoolTan on 020 7701 2696