Dial-a-Ride Southwark local area meeting

Dial-a-Ride local area meetings give you the chance to participate in the continual improvement of our service. The next Southwark meeting will happen on Mon 14th Jan from 11:00-13:00.

‘This was my first meeting and I was quite impressed. The Dial-a-Ride staff were very co-operative and helpful. I saw them listening patiently to everyone and respond to the various questions that were raised. I think such regional forums are a bridge between the users and the organisers.’

The meetings do not deal with individual complaints, but consider broader service issues and policies. The forthcoming round of meetings will focus on the effects of the new application process introduced last July. The new process is more rigirous in assessing those who do not qualify under the automatic eligibility criteria, which includes being a Taxicard member.

Independent research has found that 95 per cent of people surveyed who had been through the process, felt that it was being fairly administered. The local area meetings will be contributing to discussions on how to improve support for people completing the DaR application form as well as identifying ideas on how to promote the service in the future.

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