Email your Local Authority to ask how much money they’re spending on disabled children’s services

We now know that the Government has allocated £800million over four years to local authorities to fund short breaks.

We need your help to make sure that local authorities really do spend this money on lifeline services for disabled children.

Take Action!

The Government announced that they will be giving local authorities £800million over four years to fund short breaks for disabled children.

However, this money is not ‘ring fenced’ – which means that it is just a guideline and local authorities don’t have to spend the full amount on short breaks.

In reality, local authorities will only spend their allocation of this money on short breaks if they believe that there is a local need. It is essential that you let your local authority know how important it is to invest in disabled children’s services in your area.

Email your Local Authority to ask how much money they’re allocating for disabled children’s services in 2011/12