Empowering Family and Carers

Twenty-six family members and carers came to the first Family and Carers Empowerment Event. Lively and informative, the event was designed by SUITE to introduce this group of people formally to the Trust in a way it has never done before. The event was very well received. One delegate told us it was “really excellent to receive this information in an informal setting”.  All credit to those staff and volunteers who found creative and interesting ways to engage with delegates on their area of expertise.

Please encourage the family members and carers you know and work with to come along to future events. We are sure they will find it interesting, helpful and enjoyable too, “lots of information, good atmosphere” was how a delegate described her experience.  The next event is on Thursday the 2nd of December, 4.30 to 7.30, at Southwark Training Centre. Subsequent events will be held in other parts of the Trust. To book carers a place call Zapharena Johnson on 0203 228 3235 or email [email protected]

The focus of the event was for delegates to be able to speak to welfare benefits workers, discuss medication issues, find out about the complaints service and PALS and talk about the care pathways people might make. Having participated in a taster session many delegates signed up to a series of Peer Support Workshops that the Trust is now able to offer them. If you know a carer who would like to attend these workshops you should contact Esther Craddock on 0203 228 5320 or email [email protected]

Stuart Bell formally opened this, the first event, and spoke from his own experience about the importance to communicate well with family members and carers who might be confused and unsure of what is happening with their loved ones whilst they are receiving services. He welcomed this new programme of events as a means of meeting this longstanding need.

David Morris-Perry the family representative from the Family and Carers Committee and Jaya Kathrecha the Carer’s Lead on the Members Council also addressed delegates. They talked about their experiences of being a carer, of being supported by other carers and of the importance of knowing about services and the assistance that is available.

We look forward to seeing the family members and carers you know at a Family and Carers Empowerment event soon.

The SUITE Team: Service User Involvement in Training and Education

Empowering Family and Carers Booking Form Dec 2010