Family Rights Group Research

Family Rights Group is carrying out a research on children living in a family and friends care in London. Sponsored by the Trust for London and the Tudor Trust, this research is looking at the effects of poverty on family and friends in London.

If you know any family carers who live in London, or are raising a child who was placed by a London council, and they could fill in a short online questionnaire by using the link:

All the information provided by carers will be kept anonymous. The research findings will be launched in May this year, so we would ask you to pass this link on at your earliest convience.

We want to get a better picture of your needs, circumstances, support and particularly the effects of financial hardship on your life. The results will inform our work with London councils, and national Government. We will use the findings in our campaigning to secure a better deal for family and friends carers. However you will not be identifiable from any information we share, or make public.

Please answer the questions in this survey if you live in London. this short questionnaire will take you about 10 minutes to complete

The information you provide to us will be kept confidential and not shared with any third parties.

As a thank you, a £20 voucher will be sent out to every twentieth person living in London who answers the questions in the survey.

This work is funded by the Trust for London, Noel Buxton Foundation and Tudor Trust.