Give your support to a new law for carers

Carers UK is backing a new piece of legislation which could make a big difference to carers lives. For it to become law, we need your help!

What is the Bill?

The Social Care (Local Sufficiency) and Identification of Carers Bill is being introduced as a Private Member’s Bill by Barbara Keeley MP with the backing of a group of MPs from the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green parties.

The Bill would:

What is a Private Member’s Bill?

A Private Member’s Bill is a Bill brought forward by a back bench MP who is not a Minister in the Government but sits on the backbenches.

Carers UK has successfully brought three Private Member’s Bills through the UK Parliament. From this work came new rights for carers to have their needs assessed, enshrining in law the principle that carers should have a life of their own in the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004.

Why do we need your support?

In order for the Bill to become law, we need over 100 MPs to be in Parliament on the 7th of September and vote for the Bill.

It is always difficult to build enough support to pass a Private Members Bill but carers have a great track record of fighting for support and we’re sure carers will stand up once again to call for new rights.

There isn’t much time before MPs decide whether the Bill will go any further. We need to make sure politicians understand how important the Bill is for disabled people and their families. That’s where we need your help.

What can I do?

Add your support for the Bill here

Write to your MP and ask them to vote for the Bill on the 7th of September. Find out who your MP is and find a template letter

Contact your local group and ask them to add their support for the Bill.

Who is backing the Bill and why

Over 1800 carers have already signed up to give their support to the Bill and nearly one hundred local and national organisations including NHS bodies and employers have added their names.

See who is backing the Bill