Take Part in Healthwatch Southwark’s A&E Survey

Have you used A&E services at King’s Hospital or St. Thomas’ Hospital since November 2015? Then please tell us about your experience in our Accident & Emergency survey.

Healthwatch Southwark is visiting King’s A&E Hospital and St. Thomas’ Hospital A&E between November 2015 and February 2016 in order to speak to patients and staff, learn about their experiences and listen to their feedback.

To accompany this work, Healthwatch Southwark has put together a short survey, asking people to tell us about their visit to King’s or St. Thomas’ A&E departments, during the winter months of November 2015– February 2016.

If this applies to  you, please fill out this short and anonymous survey. Your feedback will help us to identify what works well and what needs improvement across our A&E departments. We will share our findings in a written report with the public and with those who commission and provide A&E services in Southwark.

Access the survey here:    https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5S625R3