Invitation to the PPI Conference on the 8th March in London

Mental Health Research Network (MHRN)

Patient and Public Involvement Conference

Monday, 8th March 2010

Bloomsbury, Central London

MHRN’s first national conference will feature the work of  two involvement projects – Service Users in Research, and FACTOR – Families/Friends And Carers Together in Research. The projects involve service users and carers in research, from proposals and pilot studies to large scale studies. They will be presenting some of the hot topics in mental health, and asking:

You are invited if you use mental health services, or if you support or care for a friend or relative who has a mental health problem, or if you just want to know more about mental health research. This is an opportunity to meet up with other service users and carers, exchange ideas, and get up to date with mental health research. Service users are invited to come to the forum.

Keynote speakers

Programme to include

For more information: provisional programme; how to register your interest; submit a poster abstract see the website:

The event will be free of charge to carers, service users and members of the public. In addition standard class travel will be paid, but this must be booked through Michael Morgan (contact details at the bottom). A travel refreshment allowance of £5 is available for people travelling from outside the London area (paid on the day).

If you are interested in attending this event please contact –

By email – Michael Morgan – [email protected]

By telephone – Lorrain McPherson 020 7848 0644