Parkinson’s Awareness Week

Tracking Parkinson’s, a world first in a bid to find a cure

Parkinson’s UK are investing over £1.6 million into the new Tracking Parkinson’s research study to unlock further secrets about Parkinson’s and to boost the chances of finding a cure.

3,000 volunteers – both recently diagnosed people withParkinson’s (in the last 3 years) or those aged under 50 at diagnosis – are needed to take part in its groundbreaking clinical study.

They’ll also be asking a smaller number of brothers and sisters of people with Parkinson’s (who are enrolled in the study) to participate.

If you’re not eligible yourself please help by telling others about it.

The research will be led by Dr Donald Grosset (pictured right) at the University of Glasgow. It will link eventually to around 50 centres around the UK.

For more information about the study and how to take part: