Need information or advice in Southwark? Call Riverside.

Talk to the Southwark Information, Advice and Access Service, a new advice helpline run by Riverside ECHG.

Our dedicated team of advisors can refer you to a range of services in Southwark to assist your needs. We offer the Southwark Information, Advice & Access service to:

We accept referrals from other services, from GPs, social services, carers and neighbours.


Opening hours:

Open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week (including bank holidays except Christmas).

Advisors can be contacted via 0345 155 9033 or 0845 155 9033, or email

We aim to respond to enquiries within 24 hours.


What we offer

Our information team can advise you on a wide range of welfare, social and health-related issues, including:


About Riverside echg

All our staff are CRB checked, trained in all aspects of housing and support services. Our focus is to deliver information & advice that support you to live independently in Southwark. We promote indpendent living and deliver innocative and community based services throughout the UK.