New Carers UK Guide to Coming out of hospital

Deciding to care or continue caring for someone who is coming out of hospital and who can no longer care for themselves in the same way as before can be very difficult.

You may not have considered yourself a carer until now and so will need to come to terms with a completely new situation – perhaps, for example, bringing home an older relative who used to live alone. Or you may have been caring for someone at home but are now unsure whether you can provide the extra care they will need after their hospital stay.

This section outlines the steps that should be followed before the person you care for is discharged from hospital.

The discharge procedure

Each hospital will have its own discharge policy based on guidance from the Government. You can request a copy of the hospital’s discharge policy from the ward manager or from the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) department of the hospital.

Discharge planning starts as soon as the person you care for is admitted to hospital. It is important to let the hospital staff know as early as possible if you are a carer or thinking of taking on the role. A discharge coordinator (or ward care coordinator) should be available to coordinate the planning process. They will act as a key person for you to contact to find out what the discharge plans are.

What should happen before the person I care for is discharged?

When the person you care for is nearing their expected date of discharge the following steps should be taken:

What should happen on the day the person I care for is discharged?

You and the person you care for should expect the following type of arrangements to be made for the day of discharge:

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The discharge assessment

The discharge assessment should look to see whether the person you care for needs any of the following:

You can read more about these different forms of care and support in our coming out of hospital factsheet, which will be available shortly.

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Discharge from a mental health facility

If the person you care for is discharged from a mental health facility there may be specialist support that is available to them in the community.

There are also special rules that apply to hospital discharge where the person you care for has been detained under the Mental Health Act.

You can read more about this in our coming out of hospital factsheet, which will be availble shortly.