A new narrative for health and social care?

The Institute for Mental Health is running a workshop for carers, professionals and social workers on Tuesday 19th November in London.

The Institute of Mental Health established the first nationally accredited peer support training module and is committed to supporting organisations as they establish peer support roles within their services. The impact and changes that this new way of working brings to the whole organisation and the people who work within it require careful evaluation. Integral to this are questions around a new narrative as we change our  practices, and also the personal implications around disclosure of our stories.

A new narrative for health and social care?

In recent years, the use of narratives has developed across a wide range of disciplines, including medicine, psychiatry and social work. Alongside this is the introduction of Peer Support Working, a key recommendation for implementing recovery in mental health service provision and now gaining interest as an approach across the long term conditions agenda.

What will you get out of it?

  • Consider the practical uses of narratives in supporting others
  • Receive the latest information about the implementation of peer support
  • Learn story sharing techniques used by support workers
  • Reflect on the ethics and values of sharing your story
  • Reflect on your boundaries of what and how much to share
  • Understand the challenges of disclosure for a range of people

This workshop is for anyone who is interested in sharing personal life experiences as part of their work. It is suitable for people who use health services as well as people who work in them or support others informally, including in NHS, social care and voluntary sector organisations.

To apply: please complete the registration form which can be found on the IMH Website and return to karen.sugars@nottshc.nhs.uk to secure your place.
If you have any queries you can also contact Karen Sugars on 0115 823 2416