New programme to improve GP support for carers: join in!

Recruitment of Carer Ambassadors

If you are a carer living in England and have the skills and commitment to improve support for carers in general practice in your area, Carers UK would really like to hear from you! 

Why was the Supporting Carers in General Practice Programme set up?


What are the project aims?


Find out more

If you are interested in becoming a Carer Ambassador, please download and read the Carers Ambassador role description (click link here). If you would then like to apply, please send a short Expression of Interest (200 to 300 words) by email to Michael Shann, Carer Ambassadors Programme Manager (

This Expression of Interest should explain why you would like to undertake the role and what makes you a suitable candidate. If you have a CV, please attach this and provide your full address and contact details. Suitable candidates will be asked to have an informal telephone interview and will then be invited to a briefing session before they begin their roles.