New ‘reablement’ resource for carers

Carers UK and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) are launching a new reablement briefing at the Southwark Resource Centre today.

Southwark Council will host the launch event for the briefing, which aims to help families access intensive social care support to help older and frail people get back on their feet after ill-health or a hospital stay.

At a glance briefing; Reablement: A guide for families and carers, helps people understand what reablement is and what families and friends can do to help their loved one get the most out of reablement services.

The launch event will also showcase local reablement services and share good practice with carers and professionals.  SCIE and Carers UK will both be circulating information and useful resources on how to deliver reablement for both carers and families in a more effective way.

The briefing is one of a series on reablement services developed by SCIE with partner organisations. The series is designed not only to support carers, families and voluntary organisations who help support them; but as a resource for health and social care practitioners and organisations commissioned to provide reablement services. The resources can be circulated to service users and families, and used as learning tools to improve practice in local authorities.

Carers UK’s Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Emily Holzhausen, said:

“Getting intensive care support can make all the difference for disabled, frail and older people and their families. All the evidence shows that many people are more independent, regain more skills and confidence after reablement.  This can be just as life-changing for their families as it reduces the pressure, worry and concern that families have in caring for a relative who suddenly needs extra levels of care.  For some of these families, it will mean they are not pushed into making the difficult choice of giving up their job to care intensively for their relative whom they care about.  Longer term, intensive care support helps everyone and importantly also reduces longer term costs for health and social care services.

“However, not everyone understands what reablement is and how to access it.  That is why SCIE have worked with Carers UK to produce this briefing, which will be an invaluable resource for carers and families, as well as the people and organisations who help support them.”

“We are grateful to Southwark Council for hosting this even which is a real opportunity to celebrate the contribution Southwark carers make to supporting their families and friends in the local community.“

Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care said:

“Southwark Council welcomes this reablement guide and fully recognises the role that reablement plays in supporting elderly and disabled people to maintain their independence as much as possible in the community.”

SCIE’s Director of Adult Services, David Walden, says:

“More and more professionals and families are realising the value that reablement can bring, by providing better outcomes for people. Reablement also achieves cost savings, through reducing or removing the need for ongoing support via traditional home care. Our new  At a glances briefings on reablement are a practical introduction to the subject for those new audiences that now need to know about how to deliver reablement and for the families and carers of people who are using reablement services.”