NHS Long Term Plan

The NHS has produced a Long Term Plan for making this happen over the next ten years. The NHS in every area of the country has been asked by NHS England to come up with a local plan explaining how these priorities will be delivered locally.

Healthwatch is encouraging people across the country to complete straightforward, anonymous surveys to share their views on these issues, which will affect every one of us during our lifetimes. What people tell Healthwatch Southwark will be used to help develop the plan for South East London.

If you live in Southwark yourself, please do have your say. Alternatively please share this opportunity with the people you work with and your wider networks. We are able to provide paper versions if that is helpful. The survey closes at the end of April.

Click here to take the general survey for everyone, and tell the NHS:

Click here to take the survey for those with experience of particular health conditions (as a patient or carer). This is about care for those with learning disabilities, autism, cancer, lung and heart disease, dementia, mental health conditions, or other long-term conditions. (You can complete the survey for each condition in which you have experience, as well as the general survey.)

The NHS will work only if it is designed around people’s priorities and real-life needs. We need to hear from as many individuals, groups and communities as possible.