Nominate your GP for a Caring About Carers Award

Carers Trust, The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), and Carers UK are calling for nominations for the 2014 Caring About Carers Awards, recognising the work of GPs and GP practices in supporting unpaid carers across the UK.

 It is estimated that one in ten patients at every GP practice is a carer to a family member or friend who is sick, disabled or frail. When attention is focused on the needs of the person being cared for, the carer’s own health and support can often be overlooked. It is not uncommon for carers to suffer from physical strain or mental health issues such as stress and depression.

About the awards

The Caring About Carers Awards is now in its fifth year and carers who feel that they have been helped and supported by their GP or GP practice are encouraged to nominate. Nominating a great GP will help raise awareness of how NHS and social care professionals can make a real difference to carers’ lives. The closing date for nominations is 15 July 2014.

Nominations can be made by completing the above form and returning it to RCGP by email to[email protected], or by post to:

Caring About Carers Awards 2014
The Royal College of General Practitioners
30 Euston Square