‘Oldest old’ abandoned by care system as 800,000 struggle with essential tasks

What is an Activity of Daily Living?

Age UK’s research into the failing social care system leading up to the General Election has focused on the staggering number of older people who do not get the help they need with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).

ADLs are simple and essential everyday tasks, including washing, eating, getting out of bed, dressing, going to the bathroom and walking.

30% of over 80s have unmet care needs

There are around 2,622,000 people over 80 living in England. Almost a million have at least one ADL, and thousands are affected by several different ADLs. Shockingly, as these figures show, more than half of those with three or more ADLs have been worst affected by the gap in availability of adequate social care.

Of the 926,000 over 80s with at least one Activity of Daily Living:

Of the 260,000 people over 80 with three or more Activities of Daily Living:

Older people should get better social care: read Carmel’s story

Age UK focuses on dignity for older people in its election manifesto for change

As the 2017 General Election approaches on 8 June, Age UK is urging the next Government to ensure that older people receive dignified care at home, in hospital and in care homes.

We are asking the Government to continue its ‘twin track approach’ of emergency funding alongside developing an effective long term plan for sustainable social care.

Download our election manifesto: Dignity in older age and a life worth living (PDF 780 KB)