Public consultation on the NHS


Everyone relies on the NHS being there when they need it most.

In the current financial climate the NHS must ensure it is making the best possible use of the £100 billion of taxpayers’ money it receives each year. Any waste means money being taken away from patient care.


Each week South London Healthcare NHS Trust is spending around £1 million more than it has, and this cannot continue. Therefore, in July 2012 the Secretary of State for Health appointed a Trust Special Administrator to draw up recommendations to resolve the problem and make sure the people of south east London have access to safe, high quality but affordable and sustainable health services.


Your views are important – public consultation

Between 2 November and 13 of December 2012 we want to make sure that people in south east London have the chance to give their views and comments on the draft proposals for change. The findings of the consultation will help the Trust Special Administrator form his final recommendations, which he will give to the Secretary of State for Health early in the New Year.


You can tell us what you think by:


You have until midnight on 13 December 2012 to tell us what you think.  Thank you.