Researchers at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Foundation Trust cancer research department are looking for volunteers to advise on a new research project.

The project is looking at the causes and treatment of oesophageal and gastric cancer. This research will help identify risk factors for these tumours that might be preventable. Moreover, the research will provide data on how the treatment can be improved, particularly the surgical therapy.

We would like to hear from people who have experience of oesophageal or gastric cancers. You could be a current or past patient or perhaps a carer or family member of someone who has been a patient.

What would it involve?

You would be invited to attend an informal meeting with some of the research staff who will explain the project to you and ask for your advice and comments on certain aspects of the research. This will include commenting on the research design and reviewing written materials to ensure they are clear and understandable for research participants.

You are not being asked to take part in the research, but to advise our team about how to carry out the research to best suit other patients.

When and where will it take place?

The meeting will take place in the first two weeks of June 2010. The date has yet to be confirmed but you can register your interest and we will contact you to confirm a date and time in due course. The meeting will last a maximum of 2 hours.

It will be held at Guy’s Hospital in our café space on the 16th Floor. Refreshments will be provided and we will also reimburse your travel expenses.

For further information and to register your interest please contact Sophie Auckland on 0207 188633 or email