Scams Awareness Workshop

Every year more than three million people in the UK fall victim to scams losing hundreds and even thousands of pounds. It is estimated that nearly half of people in the UK (48 per cent) have been targeted by a scam and that £3.5 billion is lost to scams every year. People from all walks of life get conned because scammers are clever and always on the lookout for new ways to take our money.

How to spot a scam

All these are signs that it might be a scam:

May 2014 is Scams Awareness Month. Southwark Citizens Advice Bureaux has teamed up with Southwark Trading Standards to highlight the problem of scams, tell people how to avoid being taken in and how they can fight back against the scammers.

Help protect your Community

Come along to a workshop and find out more

Thursday 15th May 6-7.30 pm

Inspire, St Peters Church, Liverpool Grove, SE London, SE17 2HH

To book a place please contact:  or call 0207 740 1744

If it seems too good to be true – it probably is!