Southwark Advice Plus is moving

We would like to inform you that Southwark Advice Plus project is temporarily moving to Leonard Cheshire Disability head office in Vauxhall.

From 19th November 2013 our address will be:

Southwark Advice Plus
Leonard Cheshire Disability
66 South Lambeth Road
Vauxhall, London

We will be moving to a permanent location in Southwark in January 2014 and will contact you in due course with more information.

During this period, please use our address above at South Lambeth Road to write to us.

Please note our contact details will remain the same:

Telephone: 020 7112 1489 option 4
Mobile: 07951 530 032

Drop-in changes:

The current drop-in which takes place each Wednesday at the Ability Media Centre will now be closed.  However, the drop-in at the Southwark Resource Centre, 10 Bradenham Close, London, SE17 2QB will continue to be open every Tuesday from 9am – 1pm.

Southwark Advice Plus:

Southwark Advice Plus provides information, advice and access to help disabled adults live more independently in Southwark. We can offer advice on topics such as:

The telephone advice service or face-to face sessions are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Please visit our website for more information:

We are sorry for any inconveniences caused but please be assured that we aim to limit the impact of the office move on our service delivery and that we will resume our service delivery as normal on the 19th of November.

In case of any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.