Southwark Benefit Justice Campaign

With the bedroom tax and other benefit cuts taking effect from 1st April many people are being left unable to pay and not knowing where to turn. Local benefit justice meetings have been organised bringing together local communities to support each other and to organise campaigns to put pressure on local councils and housing associations to say no to evictions and to look at redesignating properties to avoid the bedroom tax. There are already strong campaigns in Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Liverpool among other places and meetings have been held in Gillingham, Chatham, and Tower Hamlets.

This Meeting is supported by: Southwark Defend Council Housing, Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts,SouthwarkGroup Of Tenants Organisation, Southwark TUC, Southwark UNISON, Southwark UNITE, Southwark Save Our Services

Eileen Short- Defend Council Housing

Paula Peters- Disabled People Against Cuts

Ian Ritchie- Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation

Venue: Walworth Methodist Church, 54 Camberwell Road SE5 0EN

Date and Time: 7pm, Thursday 25th April


All Welcome!