Southwark Carers Forum – 15th September

Did you know that 20,000 local people have given up personal time and freedom to care for a family member, partner or friend?

Three out of five Southwark residents will be carers at some point in their lives – but despite this, carers often face a lack of recognition in all areas of their lives, and as a result can struggle with their finances, health, job, social life and general wellbeing.

Many people do not see themselves as carers and are missing out on support and information that will help them in their role. The council funds a range of services for carers, including a needs assessment to establish respite and other needs.

Our latest forum focuses on hidden and invisible carers, with advice on how to identify yourself to the health service and social services.

Speakers at this event include:

Dr. Nick Hervey – Head of Social Care, Southwark Integrated Adult Mental Health Service

Alison Ewen – Manager, Kings College Hospital Discharge Team

Chris Neate – Manager, St. Thomas’ Hospital Discharge Team

Please ring 020 7708 4497 to book. If you are bringing another person please book them in too.

Tuesday 15th September

10.30am for an 11am start until 3.30pm

At Gilroy Hall, Cambridge House