Southwark Peace Breakfast 2011

Southwark marks London Week of Peace and UN International Day of Peace 2011 with a Peace Breakfast at 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TZ, on Thursday 22 September 2011 from 8.30am to 10am in The Unity Café.

The theme will be ‘Peace Begins With Me’ and the keynote speaker will be Terry Waite CBE.  In 1987 while negotiating the release of Western hostages in Lebanon, Terry Waite was held captive for 1,763 days, the first four years of which were spent in solitary confinement. Prior to this he successfully negotiated the release of several hostages from Iran and he negotiated with Colonel Muammar Gadaffi for the release of British hostages held in Libya.

We will also hear the personal story of Southwark resident Grace Idowu whose teenage son, David, died from stab wounds in 2008. Grace and her husband, Tim, have since set up The David Idowu Foundation in his memory. The foundation is committed to combatting gang rivalry as well as gun and knife crime.

The event will be opened by the Mayor of Southwark, Councillor Lorraine Lauder MBE.

In the light of the recent disturbances, and the impact of the Norwegian shootings on Southwark’s Norwegian community, the ‘peace breakfast’ promises to have a special resonance locally and your support will be much appreciated.

This is a free event but advance registration is necessary as places are limited. The closing date for receipt of bookings is Friday 16 September. Please contact: Ambrose Omoma, Southwark Council, on 020 7525 3982 or

Supported by Southwark Multi Faith Forum (SMFF)