Take part in the King’s Governor Elections 2011 and help shape the future of local healthcare

King’s is holding elections to its Board of Governors in June 2011 – we want local people to get involved and to stand for Governor.

Vote for your representative: In June 2011, King’s will be asking members to elect 24 representatives to the King’s Board of Governors.  To vote for your representative in the elections, you’ll need to be a Member of King’s.  You can join today by contacting our Membership team on 020 3299 8888 or email [email protected].  Please see the attached flyer for more details.

Stand as a Governor:  The Board or ‘Council’ of Governors gives patients and the local community a voice in the future of King’s and is vital to the work of the Trust.  Standing for election as a Governor gives you the chance to represent your members’ views and have a greater say in the way King’s works now and in the future.  If you would like to stand for election you just need to contact our Membership team (see above).  The deadline for receipt of all nominations is 3 June 2011.  We are holding an event on 10th May from 1 – 2 pm where you can find out more about becoming a Governor and talk to some of our current Governors about the work that they do.

Kings Hospital Election leaflet