The F Word… exhibition and performance

The F-Word, organised by the Forgiveness Project, is a thought-provoking collection of personal stories on display in Southwark this November. 

The F Word Exhibition

The F Word Exhibition brings together inspiring personal stories and a powerful performance in the face of injustice, tragedy, atrocity. The F Word Exhibition is part of The Forgiveness Project. Its founding patrons included Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Dame Anita Roddick.

First launched in London in 2004, it has since been displayed in over 300 venues worldwide. Drawing together voices from South Africa, America, Israel, Palestine, Northern Ireland and England, the exhibition examines forgiveness as a healing process, a journey out of victimhood and, ultimately, a journey of hope.

“Probably the most important exhibition I’ve ever seen” – viewer, Northern Ireland.

“I’ve seen the exhibition twice and it was the most moving experience of my life. It helped me to cope with my own experience when all other ways had failed” – teacher, UK school.

“This is real art. About humanity. A triumph of meaning.” – viewer, USA.


Exhibition location: Southwark Council, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH.

Dates: Monday 5 November 2012 to to Friday 9 November 2012


The F Word Performance

Thursday 8 November 2012, 7pm to 8.30pm (Exhibition viewing from 6pm)

A meeting of hearts and minds on alternatives to revenge, responses to wrong-doing, with

• Marina Cantacuzino – founder, and director of The Forgiveness Project.

• Erwin James – writer and Guardian columnist who served 20 years of a life sentence before his release in 2004.

• Grace Idowu – mother of David Idowu, murdered in 2008.

• The Rt Revd Christopher Chessun – Bishop of Southwark.

Opened by The Mayor of Southwark, Councillor Althea Smith.


To be held at: Southwark Council, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH

Performance by:  The David Idowu Choir


Advance registration is advised as places are limited. Contact or 020 7525 0848.

Find out more about the F Word at