The Roots – Tell your Story of Baldwins!

Do you or does someone you know have tales and memories of Baldwin’s to tell? Then take part in an exciting community project recording these for future generations.

G. Baldwin & Co has been selling natural products and herb remedies since 1844. Its red store is an iconic landmark of Walworth Road. Creation Trust, Southwark Pensioners Centre, Art in the Park, the Cuming Museum and young people from Walworth Academy are all working together to collect your tales and memories of Baldwin’s.

You can also learn how to interview and record memories of customers too. InSpire are providing volunteer training where you can learn invaluable interview skills. There are two sessions still open:

– Saturday 20th October, 11.30 – 3pm

– Tuesday 23rd October, 5 – 8pm.


If you’d like to book a place, or find out more about the Baldwin’s project, call Julia Honess on 020 7703 8923, or email