Tips: How to take good care of yourself as a carer

It’s not just us who are saying it…there’s research that actually says that things that make us feel better and help us stay that way.

Who says? Researchers from The New Economics Foundation* found that there are five factors to feeling and staying well:

Connect with other people

Feeling close to, and valued by, other people is a fundamental human need and makes you function better. Talking really does help. Try taking five minutes to get in touch with someone. Talking instead of texting or emailing ask how they are and really listen when they tell you. If you’re out talk to someone new,

Be active

Can a walk to the shops or mowing the lawn really be that good for you? The researchers say yes, the chemicals it releases called endorphins actually make you feel better and more positive. If you meet someone while you’re out even better.

You can do it at work too, walk to someone’s desk instead of calling or emailing. It’s simple but it works.

Take notice

We all get bogged down in our own thoughts and feelings. Stop and take notice of what’s around you, enjoy the moment – the researchers say being aware of what’s around you this can make you think more about what’s really important in your life – and make decisions based on what you want from life


It’s often said you’re never too old to learn – and the research says it’s true!

Starting a course when you’ve not studied for years isn’t easy – but the confidence and satisfaction is worth it and you’ll meet new people. Study something you think you’ll enjoy. It’ll help you to set goals and look forward which will help as part of your recovery plan.


It’s official -people who give to others rate themselves as happy. Become a volunteer, maybe at a charity shop, through your local Council for Voluntary services or with Mersey Care.

More stuff to help you feel better and stay that way….

*New Economics Foundation is the UK’s leading think tank promoting social, economic and environmental justice.