‘Victory for parent carers’ as Government agrees law change

Carers UK has been campaigning hard for parents caring for disabled children to be included in new rights which will make it easier for carers to be assessed and supported.

As new care legislation completes its final stages in Parliament in the coming days, Carers UK are delighted to say that they’ve secured the publication of an amendment which marks a real victory for parent carers.

The Government has agreed to an amendment which will be discussed at the Third Reading of the Children and Families Bill tomorrow. Debate will start after 3.30 pm and you can watch on Parliament Live. The Government’€™s decision to introduce this change is an historic moment for the rights of parent carers.

Caring for a disabled child can take a huge toll on parents’ health and wellbeing. Because of these proposed changes, local authorities will now have a duty to promote the wellbeing of parent carers when they look at the needs of families with disabled children.

For a long time it looked like parent carers would be left behind with lesser rights to assessment and support so we are delighted that the Government has listened and is taking the opportunity to recognise the huge impact that caring for a disabled child can have.

Carers UK worked with MPs and Peers to argue in debates on both the Care Bill and the Children and Families Bill to get improved rights for parent carers. They’ve gathered evidence from our members, posed Parliamentary questions, held media interviews, orchestrated letters from carer and disability charities and attended meetings with Ministers in both departments.

They’€™ve also worked closely with parent carers, including representatives from the National Network of Parent Carer Forums; Caroline Temple-Bird, Sarah Thomas and Sherann Hillman.

As the Care Bill streamlines and strengthens the rights of other carers, clarifying local authority responsibilities for assessing their needs and promoting their wellbeing, the Children and Families Bill will now do the same for parent carers.