Visit to the Shard: Southwark Carers touch the sky

Southwark Carers were recently offered the amazing opportunity of being amongst the first to see the view from the Shard. As Europe’s second tallest building, it makes quite the impression on the London skyline and the views promised to be spectacular, so it was definitely not something to be missed.

It was one of our most in-demand outings yet, and regrettably not everyone who wanted to come could. Hopefully another opportunity will arise for those who missed it, but for those who could come, it was a chance to see London from a vantage point of 300 metres, and remarkably for January, it was a beautifully bright, clear day.

Everyone who attended had a great experience, and we managed to take some photos of the trip which you can see below. Do keep an eye out for future events – even when they’re not as eye-catching as the Shard trip, they’re always great cultural experiences that offer you the chance to meet with other carers in a new environment.


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